List of Abbreviations / Acronyms

1. ASHA---------Accredited Social Health
2.AWC---------Anganwadi Centre
3. AWW---------Anganwadi Worker
4. BCC---------Behaviour Change Communication
5. BEO---------Block Education Officer
6. BRC---------Block Resource Centre / Block Resource Centre Coordinator
7. CHC---------Custom Hiring Centre
8. CRP---------Cluster Resource Person
9. ECD---------Early Childhood Development
10. ECE---------Early Childhood Education
11. EPEL---------Enhancing Proficiency in English Language
12.ESOL---------English for Speakers of Other Languages
13. FG---------Farmer Groups
14. FGD---------Focus Group Discussion
15. FPO---------Farmer Producer Organisations
16. ICDS---------Integrated Child Development Services
17. ICT---------Information & Communication Technology
18. IEC---------Information, Education and Communication
19. HKRDB---------Hyderabad Karnataka Region Development Board
20. LIP---------Learning Improvement Programme
22. MHM---------Menstrual Hygiene Management
23. MUAC---------Mid Upper Arm Circumference
24. NPHCE---------National Programme for Health and Care of Elderly
25.O & M---------Operation and Maintenance
26. ODF---------Open Defecation Free
27. PDO---------Panchayat Development Officer
28. PHC---------Primary Health Center
29. PIE---------Proficiency In English
30. PoP---------Package of Practices
31. SDMC---------School Development Monitoring Committees
32. SHG---------Self Help Groups
33.SHSC---------School Health and Sanitation Committees
34. SLWM---------Solid and Liquid Waste Management
35. TKT---------Teaching Knowledge Test
37. TSG---------Tata Sustainability Group
38. VHW---------Village Health Worker
39. VIC---------Village Information Centre
40. VRP---------Village Resource Person
41. VWSC---------Village Water and Sanitation Committee
42. WaSH---------Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
43. WCD---------Women and Child Development
44. WSC---------Water and Sanitation Committee